All the way from Maseru in Lesotho we are proud to introduce to you Irene Keneuoe Nagingo also known as Irysh Da Princess. She is an amazing rapper who delivers in languages of Sesotho, Luganda and English. Irysh DaPrincess bares all in an exclusive interview on Nam Radio (UK) this Saturday 26th of October at 10pm CAT Time on a show hosted by Naboth RIZLA called Hip Hop 263The Other Side. The show focuses on showcasing Hip Hop from Zimbabwe in the first 30mins and the last 30mins dubbed The Other Side it then focuses on African Hip Hop which is where the exclusive interview will happen.
You can stream live on 26 October Saturday 10pm CAT Time on the following link to tune in and not miss out on this exclusive Irysh Da Princess interview:
For those who are new to Irysh Da Princess here’s some infor to keep you up to speed and know what to expect when the interview happens. Irysh Da Princess kicked off her music career as an RnB and soul singer. Then with time made the switch to rap as she felt it had a better market and was more age appropriate for her brand at the time. In 2016 she would join a hip-hop crew popularly known as PenyaPlay featuring on the crew songs. One such hit was the Phusha Nthoena single managing to introduce a different approach to hip hop leaving a lot of people in shock with its impact. In 2017 Irysh released her first duo with MegaHertz called Half a Million which became the biggest hit song in Lesotho and going viral on social media. Later that year Irysh would follow up with a solo effort single titled “Ntlohelleng” produced by MegaHertz.
The rest as they say is history. She has singles on MTV as ringtones and graced huge events like the Macufe Tshepe Hip Hop Festival in Bloemfontein South Africa to name a few of her achievements to date. Irysh DaPrincess also claimed her position as the Best Female artist (2017) at NUL Champion Awards. Previous she had won Best Acapela artist in 2012.
Tune in this Saturday 26 October 10pm CAT Time with Naboth RIZLA for the Hip Hop 263 The Other Side exclusive interview on NAM RADIO (UK) on live stream https://www.nam-radio.com/global

Keep up with Irysh Da Princess on the following: