We come from the heart of the United States and humble beginnings, where hard work and perseverance is just a way of life.
Cabela and Schmitt are songwriters/composers.
We all have the God-given ability to choose how we want to view this world. We are all given a voice, in some way or another, to communicate how we see and experience our world.
It is our choice how and when to use that voice.
Cabela and Schmitt have chosen to expose our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings in the best way we can…through a song.
We have always wanted to share our music without giving up this wonderful life we’ve been given and we are so very happy and excited to be able to share with you!
We want to express how grateful we are that you have taken the time to listen to one or more of our songs. We hope they have touched you in one way or another.
New album GOLDEN LINKS was released on April 15th 2019.
You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Google, CD Baby, Deezer, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SoundCloud, Shazam and many more sites.
Visit www.cabelaandschmitt.com
Working on a new album release expected out sometime later this year.